With only
an old mattock
to cut burrs
in my youth
missed a million
horses watched me
in the top
now must find
them all again
socks of burrs
clothes of seed
© 2016 Rob Schackne
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for David Oliver
The terms of being together
narratives of circumference
brings greatest heartache
how (before very long)
the centre is a lost cause
two lovers at opposite ends
of an ever growing circle
stopped like a coin put on edge
a plate washed and shelved
or an egg unset spinning
a yarn without an ending
then stilled, finally the heart.
© 2016 Rob Schackne
Australian Election
I know how eternal hope springs
now 25 years without recession
a promise of a job or a decent wage
of no redundancies or cutbacks
then that premise of power
in the heart with no electricity
how a cat comes to you for warmth
a small suspension of reason
and how we shout and cheer
that hope will spring eternal
and a few asses in Parliament
and 12 submarines make a difference
in the election of fools no comment
© 2016 Rob Schackne